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The "Mame Neko" bar in Nagoya's Imaike district, run by a ruggedly handsome bartender, offers a lively atmosphere with shochu, music, soccer, and horse racing discussions. Patrons can enjoy watching soccer matches while sipping on shochu. The bar is open on Sundays, located at 4-10-1 Imaike, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya. For more information, visit their Tabelog page. The bar is an ideal spot for those interested in shochu, sake, beer, and wine, as well as for soccer and horse racing enthusiasts.


もくらん 焼酎・地酒・肴・めし 住吉町 もくらん 住吉町 もくらん 2019.5.6 閉店 名古屋市中区栄3丁目9-22 グランドビル3F 日曜日 15時頃から営業してました ぐるなびネット予約 自己負担0円の幹事代行サービス   名古屋飲み歩き 【焼酎】【日本酒】【ビール】【ワイン】   住吉皿ワンタン